
teach me to heal myself


Lobelia inflata herb and the Migrane and Tension Headache Cure

Reference #: 897
Submit Date: 19 Apr 2007
Browse Category: headache
Author: dj
Email Address: none
Treatment used: liniment for a headache.
You can buy this remedy at: Make this at home.
Remedy will cost you: For an ounce of herbs and a bottle of 70 rubbing alcohol
Country of Remedy: USA
Remedy Source: Testimony from others.
More Links about this Remedy: none
# Comments posted to this remedy: 0
Complaints Reported: 0
# of times remedy read: 9,851

Dosage Info:
Typical Dosage: unknown
Dosage should be related to weight: unknown
Dosages used in clinical trials are significant: unknown
Maximum dosages in relation to side effects and serious side effects: unknown
Other foods/nutrients/medications that can affect absorption or utilization: unknown
Foods that provide the nutrient recommended as a remedy (or reference giving same): unknown

Total # reviewers: 0
Average Rating: 0.00
Effectiveness: 0.00
No Side Effects: 0.00
Ease of Use: 0.00
Effective after long term use: 0.00
Cost Effectiveness: 0.00

Browse: headache

Remedy Description

Place a couple of handfuls or about and ounce of Lobelia inflata into a

glass jar. Pour a bottle of 70% rubbing alcohol over the herbs. Fold a

piece of plastic wrap and place over the jar and seal tightly with lid.

Label the jar of it's contents and a message, "external use only". Try to

shake it everyday for about three weeks.

At the first hint of a headache,

rub some of the tincture/liniment to the back of the neck. I used it on

my temples and it relieved my pain and had a sedative affect.

This remedy can also be used for:

tension and migrane headaches