Reference #: | 808 |
Submit Date: | 15 Jul 2006 |
Browse Category: | infertility |
Author: | none |
Email Address: | none |
Treatment used: | foods |
You can buy this remedy at: | food store |
Remedy will cost you: | unknown |
Country of Remedy: | china |
Remedy Source: | Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity, Daniel Reid, Fireside, New York, p.120. |
More Links about this Remedy: | http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/067164811X/103-8936676-7576668?redirect=true&v=glance&n=283155 |
# Comments posted to this remedy: | 0 |
Complaints Reported: | 0 |
# of times remedy read: | 12,755 |
Dosage Info: | |
Typical Dosage: | unknown |
Dosage should be related to weight: | unknown |
Dosages used in clinical trials are significant: | unknown |
Maximum dosages in relation to side effects and serious side effects: | unknown |
Other foods/nutrients/medications that can affect absorption or utilization: | unknown |
Foods that provide the nutrient recommended as a remedy (or reference giving same): | unknown |
Ratings: | |
Total # reviewers: | 0 |
Average Rating: | 0.00 |
Effectiveness: | 0.00 |
No Side Effects: | 0.00 |
Ease of Use: | 0.00 |
Effective after long term use: | 0.00 |
Cost Effectiveness: | 0.00 |
Source: Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity, Daniel Reid, Fireside, New
York, p.120 Infertility Insufficient sperm or ova to effect conception during intercourse; this is largely a result of nutritional deficiency and excess retention of toxic wastes throughout the system, especially in sexual glands; it can also be caused by a collapsed colon, which puts excess pressure on prostate in males and fallopian tubes in females, preventing the free flow of sperm and ova; some couples, infertile for 10-15 years of marriage, have sud- denly found themselves 'with child' after three to five 7-day fasts with daily colonic irrigations, followed by proper nutritional therapy. Carrot, beet, cucumber juice: the best blend for cleaning and alkalizing the kidneys, sexual organs and sexual glands - all of which are influenced by kidney function and condition; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 2 pints daily. Asparagus: contains aspartic acid, an amino acid that neutralizes toxic wastes in the bloodstream and eliminates them through the kidneys; one of nature's best kidney diuretics; lightly steamed, no salt. Bee pollen: a potent stimulator of sexual hormone production in men and women; 3-6 capsules daily. Raw egg yolk: rich in organic lecithin, which builds strong semen; 2 per day, stirred into carrot juice. Bananas: rich in tryptophan, a vital amino acid involved in nerve function, but also vital for fertility in both men and women; chronic tryptophan deficiency often causes infertility in men and women. Wheat germ oil: rich in organic vitamin E, essential for production of sperm and ova; 2 tsp daily, one after breakfast and one after dinner. Other beneficial foods: raw spinach; celery; pumpkin seeds; sunflower seeds; raw fish (sashimi) Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk (prolonged use of which has been shown to be a contributing factor to infertility - recall Dr Pottenger's experi- ments on cats); overcooked meats; cooked eggs; refined white starch, especially white flour. |