Reference #: | 1,566 |
Submit Date: | 24 Apr 2008 |
Browse Category: | neuropathy |
Author: | none |
Email Address: | none |
Treatment used: | alpha lipoic acid evening primrose oi , olive leaf oil |
You can buy this remedy at: | health food store |
Remedy will cost you: | $15 for 30 pills...time released |
Country of Remedy: | USA |
Remedy Source: | folklore |
More Links about this Remedy: | http://www.http://groups.google.com/group/alt.support.diabetes/browse_frm/thread/ef55405bfa031bae/706a8a1b78de0b30?lnk=gst&q=lipoic+acid+supplement#706a8a1b78de0b30 |
# Comments posted to this remedy: | 0 |
Complaints Reported: | 0 |
# of times remedy read: | 15,859 |
Dosage Info: | |
Typical Dosage: | unknown |
Dosage should be related to weight: | unknown |
Dosages used in clinical trials are significant: | unknown |
Maximum dosages in relation to side effects and serious side effects: | unknown |
Other foods/nutrients/medications that can affect absorption or utilization: | unknown |
Foods that provide the nutrient recommended as a remedy (or reference giving same): | unknown |
Ratings: | |
Total # reviewers: | 0 |
Average Rating: | 0.00 |
Effectiveness: | 0.00 |
No Side Effects: | 0.00 |
Ease of Use: | 0.00 |
Effective after long term use: | 0.00 |
Cost Effectiveness: | 0.00 |
posts on benefits of Lipoic acid from Google groups alt.support.diabetes
Source: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.support.diabetes/browse_frm/thread/ef55405bfa031bae/706a8a1b78de0b30?lnk=gst&q=lipoic+acid+supplement#706a8a1b78de0b30 **Lipoic acid improves nerve conduction so helps some diabetics with peripheral neuropathy either by itself or in conjunction with gamma linoleic acid, GLA found in evening primrose oil. ------------------------------ ***Alpha-lipoic acid in liver metabolism and disease. "R-alpha-Lipoic acid is found naturally occurring as a prosthetic group in alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes of the mitochondria, and as such plays a fundamental role in metabolism. ... it has the ability to alter the redox status of cells and interact with thiols and other antioxidants. Therefore, it appears that this compound has important therapeutic potential in conditions where oxidative stress is involved. ... A common response in these trials was an increase in glucose uptake, but increased plasma levels of pyruvate and lactate were also observed, suggesting that an inhibitory effect on the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex was occurring." PMID: 9607614 --------------------------------- ***What I have read many times is that there are lots of theories about how ALA works, but none of them are proven. So while I am glad it helped with my neuropathy, and cite what sounds reasonable to me, I certainly wouldn't claim to know for sure. That explanation, BTW, is that ALA, as the only anti-oxidant that is both fat and water soluble, can migrate to and effectively remove free radicals in parts of the body, such as the nerve sheathes where the nerve damage causing neuropathy occurs. Other anti-oxidants, being only water or fat soluble, cannot get to those places. Sounds very plausible to me, the weak point being the assumption that free radicals are involved in neuropathy, an assumption that hasn't, to my knowledge, been proven. Which does not make me any less pleased with the results... ----------------------- ****Dr. Bernstein has a couple of pages on alpha lipoic acid and now r-lipoic acid or r-alpha lipoic acid in his book "Diabetes Solution" 2nd and 3rd editions. Bernstein describes ALA as an "insulin mimetic" which transports glucose into muscle tissue, much like insulin, but it doesn't entail fat storage. Does this sound too good to be true? It's working for me as described. He says that ALA plus evening primrose oil works well to reduce or eliminate painful neuropathy, as many of us know, and advises patients injecting insulin to titrate their insulin dosages downward depending on how much ALA they take. In his 2nd edition, for neuropathy, he was recommending Jarrow Sustain time release ALA in dosages of 600 mg every 8 hours along with 1000 mg of EPO and advised insulin users to expect to reduce their insulin by 30%. In his 3rd edition, for neuropathy, he is recommending Insulow, an r-ALA and has reduced the dosage recommendation to 200 mg. every 8 hours along with 1000 mg of EPO. Insulow's package describes its ALA form as r-ALA. I've seen r-lipoic acid in nutrition stores. I'm assuming it's the same stuff. Insulow is available through Amazon.com. Personally, I found that Insulow was more potent at mimicking insulin than Jarrow Sustain, but I did -------------------- ****I actually ordered r-LA to take for an additional antioxidant. I was pleasantly surprised to learn it lowered my blood sugar. While we're sharing info, I am also taking olive leaf extract that I ordered from the same place. I think this may be a good supplement for diabetics too, especially if you are not taking an ACE inhibitor (I am not taking one, because my blood pressure is good). Olive leaf extract lowers the blood pressure, which helps protect the kidneys, in additional to boosting the immune system. It has no side effects, is all natural and safe |
nerve kidney |