
teach me to heal myself


skin diseases

Reference #: 1,361
Submit Date: 06 Nov 2007
Browse Category: skin diseases
Author: none
Email Address: wsotr@hotmail.com
Treatment used: none
You can buy this remedy at: free
Remedy will cost you: unknown
Country of Remedy: USA
Remedy Source: Waters Singing on the Rocks
More Links about this Remedy: none
# Comments posted to this remedy: 0
Complaints Reported: 0
# of times remedy read: 76,375

Dosage Info:
Typical Dosage: unknown
Dosage should be related to weight: unknown
Dosages used in clinical trials are significant: unknown
Maximum dosages in relation to side effects and serious side effects: unknown
Other foods/nutrients/medications that can affect absorption or utilization: unknown
Foods that provide the nutrient recommended as a remedy (or reference giving same): unknown

Total # reviewers: 0
Average Rating: 0.00
Effectiveness: 0.00
No Side Effects: 0.00
Ease of Use: 0.00
Effective after long term use: 0.00
Cost Effectiveness: 0.00

Browse: skin diseases

Remedy Description

For a consultation and research contact Waters-singing-on-the-rocks at wsotr@hotmail.com

We will discuss the hormonal involvement as well as

Homeopathic, nutritional and topical approaches. (Topical means what

you put ON your face as opposed to what you might take orally.) Acne is

The most common of all skin problems and occurs in two different forms,

one which affects the hair follicles and oil-secreting glands of the

skin (resulting in whiteheads, blackheads and inflammation) and the

other and more severe form which causes deep cysts and permanent

scarring. The latter usually happens to males, and from what your

mother said to me, you probably don't have to worry about that form of


Acne is a skin disease that usually appears during

adolescence - by 17 years of age 4 out of every 5 American teenagers

have experienced the condition - and by early adulthood it usually

disappears entirely. We are not totally sure about what causes acne

although we certainly know a lot of contributing and aggravating

factors (which means factors that help cause it and those that make it

worse). This makes it rather difficult to treat. We know that

heredity is part of the picture (what you inherit from your parents);

oily skin is a factor; as are diet, exposure to the sun and various

(differing) chemicals, seasonal changes and stress. Allergies can cause

acne to appear in 20, 30 and 40 year old adults. Many Naturopathic

physicians now believe that hidden food allergies may indeed be a major

cause of almost all cases of acne. They (and I) recommend using only

hypoallergenic skin products and cosmetics (or, preferably, none at

all). They even suggest taking hypoallergenic vitamin/mineral formulas

because even the binders and fillers used in commercial supplements may

cause allergic reactions in some folks. You should do a challenge test

to determine if any of the foods you eat are allergens to you (begin by

testing the foods you eat most often as these are usually the culprits).

If your acne worsens and you wish to check into this potential cause,

let me know and I will send you a paper completely explaining food

allergies, the challenge test procedure, etc.

Let's begin somewhere...the next paragraph is from

"Healing Nutrients" by Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD:

A piece of your skin the size of a postage stamp contains

3 million cells, 3 feet of blood vessels, 12 feet of nerves, 100 sweat

glands, 15 oil glands and 25 nerve ends... in 3 layers. The outer layer

is epidermis - all dead cells that have been pushed to the surface by

the middle layer (active, called dermis). beneath the dermis is the

tissue that stores fats to insulate the e body from temperature changes.

The skin produces substances to help fight off infections. much of the

skin in protein., it also contains a lot of fluid. Oils are secreted on

the skin surface to prevent loss of too much water by evaporation.

These oils are also antibacterial. The skin cells are some of the most

rapidly dividing and re-creating of. all body cells... you must provide

yourself with enough of the raw materials your skin needs to have

healthy skin. Vitamins E,A,&C and Selenium are important to the skin

and a regular and rich blood flow must constantly bring supplies of

nutrients to your skin and also this blood flow removes waste products

that are not eliminated through the pores.

Acne begins in the skin pores which are canals through

which hair follicles grow and through which various toxins are

eliminated via perspiration (which also cools us). It affects areas

of skin that have "sebaceous" glands. These glands produce sebum to

lubricate the skin and prevent the loss of excess water. Most of the

sebaceous glands are on the face, lots are also on the back, chest and

shoulders. That's why these are the places where acne commonly appears.

Sebum consists of waxes and oils. The sebaceous glands

can enlarge and produce varying amounts of sebum in response to

stimulation by the hormone called Testosterone. This hormone is often

thought of as a male hormone but is present in both males and females,

being produced by our testes, ovaries and adrenal glands and is

considered to be the major hormonal factor in acne. Actually acne is

not due to excessive amounts of Testosterone but, we think, is due to a

particular enzyme activity which converts the Testosterone to

dihydrotesterone, which is a potent, active form of the hormone.

At puberty both sexes experience an increase in

testosterone but males have higher levels and may also have more of

this enzyme activity in their skin, therefore being more likely to have

really serious cases of acne. Boys are also less likely to wash their

faces often enough or carefully enough, allowing their skin to remain

oily which, though it does not cause acne, seems to aggravate the


The increased level of sebum mixes with keratin - an

extremely tough protein substance found hard in our hair and nails and

soft in our skin tissues. The keratin is, like the sebum, not

water-soluble. In fact most alkaline solutions or weak acidic

solutions cannot break it down and it is barely affected by the enzymes

our bodies use to break down proteins.

Tough stuff, this mixture. It can block the pores and

form blackheads on the skin's surface or just barely below it. Once the

pore is blocked, or if the follicle ruptures due to irritation and

pressure, bacteria which might normally either be excreted or carried

elsewhere in our bloodstream can overgrow (in other words reproduce

extremely fast and build up in numbers) until the bacteria themselves

release enough of their own enzymes to break down the sebum and sneak in

where the sebum was and multiply there, causing inflammation, swelling,

redness, sore sensations and sensitivity to the touch. This is how a

whitehead is formed, how it becomes inflamed and can even infect and can

become painful cysts that, if not properly treated, may lead to

permanent scars.

The Clinical Homeopaths of Europe consider acne to be

basically an inflammation of the sebaceous glands due to toxins and/or

micro-organisms such as bacteria and they would suggest the use of a

general detoxifier (which mostly goes towards purifying and

strengthening the colon, spleen, liver , gall bladder and kidneys) at

bedtime, and the use of a formula that addresses acne homeopathically

every morning for several months. If the acne ever becomes painful,

this formula is used a second time, during the afternoon as well.

The Clinical Homeopaths also use Echinacea and Calendula

lotion topically on the skin to relieve the itching and pain and to

promote healing. Some use these as a dressing, covering the face and

then the lotions themselves are covered with food-quality plastic using

bandaids to keep the plastic in place, over night. I have never tried

this approach to using the creams or lotions...I use repeated

applications of the lotions following careful deep but gentle cleansing

using hydrogen peroxide and a cotton washcloth to wash the affected skin

once a day, sometimes twice a day. I use green clay packs at night to

help draw out the poisons.

If you decide to use any topical treatment (that means one

you apply to the skin), whether they are synthetic or natural, please

follow the following practicalities: clean the skin with mild soap

(such as Dove or healtyhfoodstore varieties of oatmeal soap and water.

Don's use harsh soaps or scrub roughly as these could irritate your skin

and cannot reach the bacteria under the skin's surface anyway. Then use

peroxide and dry your face well before applying any cream, lotion, etc.

Apply only small amounts to small areas of your affected skin. Any acne

treatment can cause skin irritation in many people. If you have any

kind of noticeable reaction in the first 3 days of using only tiny

amounts in a few small places, immediately quit using that treatment.

If the reaction (rash, etc.) remains for more 3 days after you quit

using the product, you may have to see a doctor or herbalist.

Hydrogen peroxide (3% - such as the kind you buy in a

grocery store) using a cotton washcloth will help kill the bacteria near

the surface and suspend dirt particles so they may be rinsed. It also

tends to eliminate any oiliness. Some folks react to it, too, however

(though not many) so it should also be experimented with slowly and

carefully at first.

Squeezing pimples (blackheads or white) can cause

inflammation, infection and scarring. Only if it is already infected,

with yellow pus, is squeezing a good idea and in this case the pimple

will respond easier and less painfully if you first take a fairly hot

bath or shower and then apply a warm moist compress to the area for a

few minutes first... these procedures will open the pores. Wash

carefully afterwards and be sure to disinfect with the peroxide.

Products available at the drugstore, without a

prescription, that do work for some folks include Benoxyl, Clearasil and

Oxy 5/Oxy 10, all of which contain benzoyl peroxide, the most popular

allopathic treatment for acne that is not severe. To work well it must

be applied every day and it works best in superficial pimples that are

red and sore. Side effects are pretty minor and include skin dryness,

redness and peeling. Some folks experience a burning, stinging

sensation when applied (happens with hydrogen peroxide too,

sometimes...)... Some folks even develop an allergic rash. Please do

remember that any topical preparation you might try should be used

sparingly and only in a small spot for a few days to test for any

unwanted reactions that you might have.

In rural America the most popular approach among

physicians trained in the 1950s-80s is tetracyclene or erythromycin,

which are broad-based antibiotics, to "keep the bacteria under control".

Broad-based means they go after all kinds of bacteria as opposed to

specific ones which only affect certain bacteria. These drugs require

prescriptions. They include creams such as EryDerm, Erycette and

others. They can prevent whiteheads, not blackheads, if applied

regularly. But it takes as long as a month to produce noticeable

improvement for most users. Side effects include dryness, tenderness,

itching, inflammation, a burning sensation and, for some folks (many

more than for the peroxide) - an allergic rash. Diarrhea may also occur

and, in my opinion, as the antibiotic is absorbed through the skin and

into the bloodstream and carried to various body sites, it interferes

with our own immune and digestive systems which depend to a large degree

upon the proper bacterial combinations. You see, these broad-based

antibiotics indiscriminately kill all bacteria with which they come in

contact including the beneficial ones.

To quote Robert M. Giller, MD, from his book "Natural

Prescriptions", "Severe acne is usually treated with antibiotics to

prevent scarring. However, there are problems associated with long-term

antibiotic therapy. Yeast infections, one of the most frequent side

effects, clear when the antibiotic is discontinued, but the acne


When we are born we have a lot of beneficial bacteria that

our mother has given us...and they grow and multiply and stay strong

enough to keep the numbers of the potentially dangerous bacteria at

levels that are helpful rather than harmful. These synthetic

medications alter the natural balance and then it is difficult to insure

rapid growth of the healthy bacteria while restricting the growth of the


Yes... this is true whether the antibiotics are taken orally,

by injection, or applied topically. Tetracycline is the usual choice

among dermatologists in the US to treat acne because it is thought to

have less side effects than most other antibiotics. If intolerance or

pregnancy counterindicates the use of tetracycline, erythromycin is used

orally. Again this works best with the superficial form of acne

affecting the face and it works by suppressing the growth of bacteria.

The most common bad effect of these broad-based

antibiotics is probably the fact that it kills off most of the badguys

but allows a few to live and they develop immunity to our antibiotics

and pass this immunity on to other bacteria (and maybe other

micro-organisms that live in and on our bodies). We are presently

facing epidemics of antibiotic-resistant bacteria throughout the world.

Another common side effect is the overgrowth of yeast such

as candida albicans in our gastrointestinal tract (digestion system) and

genito-urinary tract (sexual and urination organs) as well as yeast

infections in the mouth (thrush) or rectum. It can even lead to

systemic candidiasis in which organs and entire systems are compromised

and an unbelievably varied assortment of symptoms can be produced.

Other adverse reactions to broadbased antibiotic use

include allergic reactions, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting; loss of

appetite; and colon inflammation (the colon is where the food is finally

broken down into pieces small enough to enter the bloodstream and where

the toxic and excess ingredients are separated and moved out through the

rectum). The result of all of the above is that food is not properly

digested, if even consumed, and the nutrient levels necessary for a

healthy body and a healthy immune system are not maintained.

Retin-A is another product that some doctors use as a topical

treatment of more severe acne and is only available via a prescription.

It decreases the keratin formation of the cells lining the skin pores so

that the sebum moves through and pimples do not form. I do not

recommend it for most persons. It takes a long time to notice

improvement if it works at all and the condition will often deteriorate

for 3 or 4 months first. And its continued use, which is necessary to

maintain the improvements, poses serious problems. The skin nearly

always becomes dry and irritated, will probably peel and it can actually

be burned quite severely (if you use this and have such a reaction, use

the Homeopathic oral remedy called Cantharis followed, if necessary by

Causticum which are specific for chemical burns).

Also, absorption through the skin of synthetic vitamin a

can cause severe reactions and even lead to death... just as oral use of

synthetic vitamin a has been proven to be quite dangerous.

Another drug that is again a synthetic form of Vitamin A is called

Actuate or isotretinoin or isoretinoic acid and is used orally. It is

only to be used, according to its manufacturers, for severe acne. It

inhibits the production of sebum and must be used continuously for as

long as 6 months before an improvement will be noticeable. It may cause

an initial worsening of the condition. It is extremely toxic. It

causes dryness of the nose and mouth including dry skin, itching,

chapped lips, peeling of the skin in the palms and soles and elevations

of fats in the blood including triglycerides and cholesterol. The

vagina will often dry and the menstrual cycle will be interfered with

for many, if not most, women. The liver is liable to be damaged

seriously, there may be hair loss, arthritic like aches and pains,

abnormal bone development, etc. PLEASE DO NOT USE. PERIOD. Even if a

doctor wants you to do so.

YOUR DIET CAN AFFECT YOUR ACNE PROBLEM. Excess iodine (from over use

of table salt) can produce acne. Insufficient zinc, essential fatty

acids (Omega 3 and 6) and other nutrients too. The best diet is one of

natural whole (and if possible organically grown) veggies, fruits, whole

grains and beans. Low-fat and high fiber diets, supplemented with proper

vitamins and minerals will usually have a noticeable effect within 3

months. Eliminate all refined or concentrated sugars including honey

and molasses and isolated fructose (meaning other than in whole raw

fruit). Trans-fatty acids are created when vegetable oils or animal

oils are heated or hydrogenated... they are toxic and they stress our

livers and kidneys... trans-fatty acids are found in foods such as milk

and dairy products (other than yogurt, I think), margarine, shortening

and all synthetically hydrogenated veggie oils and fried foods. They

must be avoided. You should only eat cold-pressed oils such as Olive

and Canola and try to avoid eating foods cooked in oil at all.

Chocolate is high in sugar and in fats. Dairy products

contain traces of hormones including the hormones that are now fed to

and/or injected into the cows.

The use of greasy creams or cosmetics can exacerbate, if

not cause, acne. Even the detergents used to wash your pillowcase can

leave residues of chemicals, colors or fragrances to which you may be

allergic and which can cause acne to develop by affecting your skin and

can also affect your liver. Remember when your liver doesn't work

right, the skin often becomes your major eliminative organ.

Most physicians use chemical topical and internal

"medicines" to treat acne. I will now discuss several natural

alternatives that have, in tests and clinical studies done in the past

10-20 years, been proven to have similar results to these medications,

with none of the side effects.

I believe that a comprehensive approach is probably the

best, approaching the healing from within rather than relying on the use

of topical preparations or counting on any one vitamin, nutrient,

mineral, food, herb, etc., to do the job completely.


Zinc is extremely important for healthy skin. It is

involved in the activation of hormones, in forming new skin, in the

creation of proteins that bind vitamin A and allow it to work, in

activating our immune system and controlling inflammation. Kids nearing

or in their teens need higher zinc levels due to growth spurts, hormonal

changes, sexual maturing...and they tend to get less because they tend

to eat junk food too much... According to Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD, acne

is often a symptom of a marginal (slight) zinc deficiency.

Low levels of zinc tend to cause testosterone (often

thought of as the male hormone, but actually present and created in

women as well) to be converted into a more active form with the very

long and unpronounceable name that I listed up above somewhere in this

report. Adequate levels of zinc have been shown to inhibit this

conversion. The development of acne seems to be directly in proportion

to this conversion. Thirteen and fourteen year olds usually have lower

levels of zinc in their blood than any other age group as well as sudden

boosts of testosterone production and the enzyme activity that is

involved in testosterone conversion.

Numerous double-blind studies (in which nobody knows who

is taking what and in which those taking one substance switch with those

taking another, without either knowing about the change) have proven

that zinc works about as well as tetracycline in superficial acne and

actually is superior in deeper acne problems. A major group of studies

done in Sweden proved that this therapy takes, on the average, 12 weeks

to begin working noticeably. The few studies that did not have this

result used zinc sulfate, which is poorly absorbed (used) by our bodies.

Zinc gluconate and zinc citrate are the forms of the mineral which

repeatedly show benefits in the treatment of acne.

Usually it takes 3-4 months for zinc to cause noticeable

improvements, although some users showed immediate and dramatic

improvement. Zinc picolinate is another form of the mineral that is

quickly and easily absorbed in our bodies, but no studies that I know

of, have tested the use of this form in treating acne...theoretically it

would work even faster. Whichever form one would choose, a safe and

effective dose would be 30 mg per day. But I should also mention that I

read one study where 58% of the patients had their acne almost totally

clear up when given 600mg (!) of zinc sulfate daily for 12 weeks Of

course, 42% didn't have such good luck...and taking zinc at more than 30

mg daily for more than 3 months could begin to cause a heart problem

because it can cause less of the healthy kind of cholesterol and

therefore too much of the unhealthy kind of cholesterol... And,

according to Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by the Balches,

taking less than 100 mg daily of Zinc enhances immune responses while

taking more than 100 mg daily can depress the immune responses. If you

had a bad case I'd say get together with a good dr. or nurse who

understands about nutrition and such and then you might consider a short

time of using higher "therapeutic" doses but you don't need to... just

do the smaller amounts if you wanna try that... zinc supplements are

cheap... or you mom can try feeding you more foods high in zinc which

include fish, beans, chicken, turkey, nutritional yeast, whole grains,

egg yolks, pecans, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and lecithin.


Some physicians reportedly are using high levels of

Vitamin A to treat acne. High doses of this vitamin, however are

potentially quite dangerous. Do not take more than 10,000 Units per

day, and even at this dosage if you are taking a synthetic form it might

prove dangerous. I prefer to take or recommend beta carotene which our

bodies convert into however much vitamin A we, as an individual, need,

as long as our livers are relatively healthy and functioning properly.

25,000 units of A taken as beta carotene, along with Vitamin E and Zinc

will promote healthy skin. These nutrients will virtually eliminate

milder cases of acne. The A even seems to reduce the production of the

sebum which clogs the pores in the first place. Taking the Vitamin E

with the A (both are oil-soluble nutrients rather than water-soluble)

enhances your absorption and use of the A.







These are called, today, antioxidants... which is a

misnomer (an incorrect name). They should be called free radical

scavengers, meaning they hunt out damaging free radicals in our systems

and attach to them, creating compounds that we can easily excrete

through normal channels. Acne sufferers have been shown to invariably

have decreased levels of "antioxidant enzymes". These can be normalized

by taking Vitamin C, E and Selenium (a trace mineral) on a daily basis.

These nutrients work synergestically, which means that

each helps the other to work better than it would alone. They seem to

help prevent the formation of toxins from trans-fatty acids in our sebum

(which you remember from above is one of the 2 ingredients in the acne

pustules). 200-400 IU of Vitamin E and 50 mcg (NOT mg) of Selenium

should probably be taken once a day for 2 weeks and then twice a day for

several months... once the improvement is well on its way, you might

try to cut back to once a day.

I already explained how E helps A work. E itself is

extremely important for healthy skin. Selenium supplements have helped

clear up severe postule-filled acne cases and these patients invariably

are deficient in this trace mineral.


Eating a lot of raw plant foods should provide these free

radical scavengers but this is also dependent upon one's digestive

system... You may want to take a good digestive enzyme supplement to

help you get the nutrients you need from the foods you eat. Since I am

not around you day to day any more I do not know whether or not you

probably need these enzymes. Papaya and Pineapple (actually its the

stems not the fruit) provide a lot of these enzymes called Papain and

Bromelain respectively. These are probably the most important ones,

unless you are eating a lot of animal proteins in which case you also

might need. Protease enzymes.


These bacteria are important to help us create B Vitamins

and use the ones we eat, they are crucial to our digestive systems and

they keep the dangerous bacteria in our intestines at controllable

levels. They are also wiped out easily by drugs such as broad-based

antibiotics (tetracycline, etc.) and must always be supplemented

whenever one is using or has used such drugs.


These are important first, because Vitamin B6 works

synergestically with Zinc (for this purpose you might take 50 mg of B6

once or twice a day but remember that whenever taking a single B vitamin

it is important to also be taking in a complete B complex). Secondly,

the B Vitamins are extremely important to digestion and assimilation of

all nutrients. In my opinion, the best way to take B vitamins is to eat

at least one tablespoon twice a day of Nutritional Yeast, which tastes

really good on popcorn (I'm sure you remember that), on cereals, cooked

veggies, pasta, in drinks, etc.

According to Dr. Giller's book, 50 mg of Vitamin B6 is

particularly important "for women who experience flare-ups of acne

before and during their menstrual period. Some experts recommend taking

B6 for the week before and the week after a period; my patients have

found better results by taking it every day all month." Some texts even

advocate taking 50 mg of B6 three times a day for awhile! Sounds like

overkill to me, but I don't suppose it could hurt if you are eating 2-3

tablespoons of Nutritional Yeast those days as well.

I would remind you that nobody should ever supplement with

a single B vitamin unless they are also taking a B complex supplement or

eating a sufficient amount of Nutritional Yeast or you are likely to

interfere with the balance of the various B vitamins so necessary to

good health.


Chromium is another important mineral. Many studies have

suggested that acne is often the result of an inability to properly use

sugar either because we are not metabolizing it correctly or because our

skin is not sensitive to the insulin hormone we create in our pancreas.

Even when blood sugar levels are quite normal, acne patients often have

impaired skin-glucose tolerance.

In this regard please remember that all sugars, not just

refined sugars, are part of this problem for some people. Honey,

molasses and even fructose that has been removed from fruits contribute

to the problem. Eating whole fruit seldom adds to the condition.

Our pancreas needs chromium to create high quality

insulin. It is also part of the enzyme system that regulates blood

sugar. It also seems to affect the insulin sensitivity of cells

throughout our bodies. The insulin is the hormone messenger that tells

our various cells to take sugar out of the blood and use it to create

energy. Without sufficient chromium in our diet, it is possible that we

will not utilize the glucose (sugar) properly.

Several studies have shown that chromium-containing yeast

(Nutritional yeast) can produce rapid improvement in acne patients but

there is some disagreement about this since no double-blind studies have

yet been conducted. However chromium is a totally safe nutrient,

especially eaten in the form of Nutritional Yeast


There are so many reasons to be sure to get enough of

these that whole books have been written on the subject. The essential

fatty acids (also called Omega 3 and Omega 6) are incredibly important

in the prevention of and treatment for skin diseases. They are

effective against pain and inflammation. These are edible oils of both

linoleic and linolenic acids and the best sources for them are 1)

flaxseed oil or flaxseeds themselves (we take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed

oil a day for so many many reasons...if you are interested, I will send

you information about these essential fatty acids) or 2) evening

primrose, hempseed, borage seed or black currant seed oils . The flax

is the least expensive and I believe it does it all. Hemp is possibly a

bit better, possibly not, but Hempseed Oil is expensive at this time and

difficult to obtain in rural America.

According to an article in the Journal of the American

Academy of Dermatology (that means skin stuff) in 1986, acne sufferers

have been found to have too little of the linoleic acids in their skin.

And eating the wrong kind of fats - hydrogenated and saturated, can

cause a deficiency of the linoleic acids... as proven by a study

published in Nutrition Research that same year...when test animals were

fed a diet containing 10% of their calories from hydrogenated fats they

developed a deficiency of the linoleic acids...and most Americans today

eat a lot more than 10% of their calories... nearly 40 % probably... tho

the government recommends only 30% of your calories come from fat...most

Americans eat a lot more than that, and nearly 70% of the fat that

Americans eat is hydrogenated... tell your mom to only use cold-pressed

or extra virgin olive oil... no other kind... and try not to eat foods

even cooked in olive oil... take a tablespoon a day of flaxseed oil (I

put mine on pancakes, in drinks and in salad dressings, on cooked

veggies... usually tastes OK when mixed half and half with olive

oil...and stay away from chocolate and any food that has on its label

any hydrogenated or paritally hydrogenated oils... do not use grocery

store oils that do not say cold-pressed for anything... ever... do not

eat margarine or anything cooked with margarine...

Many folks use tea tree oil or sulfur compounds TOPICALLY.

Some use mercury. I strongly suggest that nobody uses Mercury

containing medicines... I became severely allergic to Mercury from using

one when I was about 18 years old. Among other things, this meant that

I have an allergic reaction whenever I eat shark or tuna, had to have a

tattoo removed and went through a horrific experience that lasted for

several months.

Any health food store should sell safe sulfur or tea tree

oil products... but I don't recommend them... For topical treatment I

prefer washing with a pure oatmeal soap 2 or 3 or more times a day,

using Hydrogen Peroxide daily to deep clean (test first for sensitivity)

and using a green clay pack once or twice a week to draw out the toxins.

I do not suggest tea tree oil containing soaps because, if for no other

reason, the oil can interfere with Homeopathic remedies you might take

for the acne or any other reason.

This will effectively remove the excess sebum from the

skin and prevent overgrowth of bacteria. Washing with hot water will

open the pores, once they have been cleaned, rinsing with very cold

water will close the pores. Eating a healthy diet will support your

body in its attempts to remain healthy.

This remedy can also be used for: