
Not Signinig Art

Source: Bread & Pupets

  • Unsigned Art shows disrespect for the idea of the artist as a genius. A figure anointed by the system that excludes almost everyone.

  • When Art has no signature to resists art marketing, profitering, and leaves the viewer to his or her own devices.

  • Since the ideas, words, and images come from everywhere, there's no particular reason to claim them as the work of one individual.

  • If you don't sign your art, it is much less intimiading to make.

  • The Masters never signed their name, Michelangelo, Leonardo, the Greeks, the Romans. So why should you???? Michelangelo only signed one art work the "Pieta". I think it was Albrecht Dürer who started it all. I do sign my paintings with the location and date. I do this so years later I can identify the the "where and whens" if i come upon my art work and don't have to ask myself "where and when" I made it.

  • Guarantee Employemnt for future "ART Experts" so the can debate for hundreds of years on who did what. To this day the art "experts" are still arguing about the authenticity of Michelangleos clay models..