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Freezing ,electric shock,tourniquet, cutting venomous snake bites

Reference #: 857
Submit Date: 26 Sep 2006
Browse Category: venomous snake bite
Author: none
Email Address: none
Treatment used: freezing ,electric shock,tourniquet, cutting
You can buy this remedy at: unkown
Remedy will cost you: unknown
Country of Remedy: USA
Remedy Source: folklore
More Links about this Remedy: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/learning/junior_naturalists/snakebit.phtml
# Comments posted to this remedy: 0
Complaints Reported: 0
# of times remedy read: 11,750

Dosage Info:
Typical Dosage: unknown
Dosage should be related to weight: unknown
Dosages used in clinical trials are significant: unknown
Maximum dosages in relation to side effects and serious side effects: unknown
Other foods/nutrients/medications that can affect absorption or utilization: unknown
Foods that provide the nutrient recommended as a remedy (or reference giving same): unknown

Total # reviewers: 0
Average Rating: 0.00
Effectiveness: 0.00
No Side Effects: 0.00
Ease of Use: 0.00
Effective after long term use: 0.00
Cost Effectiveness: 0.00

Browse: venomous snake bite

Remedy Description


pro electric shock therapy...


Do not try this metod most experts agree that it will not work and cause

more harm than good.


Source: http://www.herper.com/venom/electro.html

On using electric shock...

1. Cardiac arrhthymia. The heart may be already be superexcited by the snakebite event so a normally non-lethal DC electric shock could have unfortunate

consequences. Remember DC current is used in heart defibrillators and pacemakers.

2. Cauterization of the fang tracks. Low level electric shock is apt to seal the fang tracks, thus preventing the withdrawal of venom via the Sawyer extractor

or free flow.

3. Local tissue damage. Snake venoms contain enzymes that cause extensive local tissue damage. Burn damage from electric shock could exacerbate this symptom.

4. Snakebite is extremely painful. Electric shock on top of it will be unbearably painful and could cause shock of the other kind and unconsciousness.

5. Experiments in lab situations and in-vivo on animals indicate that the electric shock produced by a stun gun or DC sparkplug wire, etc. have no chemical

effect on venom and even if it did, it is not likely the effect would serve to deactivate it or turn it to H20 or other harmless substances as stun gun mfgs

would have you believe.

This is just too good not to mention. Dart and Gustafson (1991) discuss an Arizona man who was bitten by his pet Great Basin rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis

lutosus) near his upper lip (How?). He had been bitten previously 14 times. As he had read about the electric shock treatment in one of the outdoor magazines,

he had decided with a neighbor that he would use the treatment the next time he was bitten. When the "accident" occurred, he got next to a car, attached a wire

from a spark plug to his lip, and had someone start the engine. He was unconscious with the first electrical charge. The guy was in the hospital for 4 days and

required reconstructive surgury on his lip.


Source: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/learning/junior_naturalists/snakebit.phtml

Freezing the snake bite

Newspaper and magazine articles in the 1950s and 1960s carried headlines such as "Freeze Away the Horrors of Snakebite" and "Snake Bite--Cool It." But

enthusiasm for the technique cooled as doctors reported serious complications. Ice packs left too long on the affected limb caused frostbite, which in severe

cases required amputation. Also, some researchers reported that the venom became as active as ever when the ice was removed and the limb rewarmed. Dr. Findlay

E. Russell of the University of Arizona objects to the use of ice on a snakebite "because we see no value for local ice except to reduce pain, and I don't feel

this is a wise thing to do before diagnosis.

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