
teach me to heal myself


Wart and the Bannas Cure

Reference #: 618
Submit Date: 31 Jul 2005
Browse Category: warts
Author: none
Email Address: none
Treatment used: bananas
You can buy this remedy at: grocery store
Remedy will cost you: $2 or less
Country of Remedy: USA
Remedy Source: folklore
More Links about this Remedy: none
# Comments posted to this remedy: 0
Complaints Reported: 0
# of times remedy read: 6,806

Dosage Info:
Typical Dosage: unknown
Dosage should be related to weight: unknown
Dosages used in clinical trials are significant: unknown
Maximum dosages in relation to side effects and serious side effects: unknown
Other foods/nutrients/medications that can affect absorption or utilization: unknown
Foods that provide the nutrient recommended as a remedy (or reference giving same): unknown

Total # reviewers: 0
Average Rating: 0.00
Effectiveness: 0.00
No Side Effects: 0.00
Ease of Use: 0.00
Effective after long term use: 0.00
Cost Effectiveness: 0.00

Browse: warts

Remedy Description

source http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=402&i=86

"....Now for the cure, I came across a website

http://www.lacetoleather.com/warts.html when I was doing some research on

apple cyder vinegar and its uses, thats a whole other story. On that site

they have a page on safe natural cures and one of the topics was warts, so

I took a look at it and read that Warts are an external sign of an

internal potassium deficiency. The real cure (and prevention) is to eat

enough foods that contain potassium. At first I didnt really think that a

potassium deficiency was the cause of my warts but I gave it a try so

since I work at a grocery store I ate what I knew had the most potassium

in it and that my friends was the world famous banana. I started eating

lots of bananas so many that it became my meals through out the day, I

would literally eat bananas until I got full. After a while I started to

get bad gas so I cut my intake of bananas to like 3 a day and thats

nothing compared to what I was doing before. Now you have to take into

consideration that its not going to work immeately just like with

everything it takes time so dont expect results right off the bat. But

after a couple of weeks my warts started to shrink and when more time

passed with continued potassium intake the warts disappeared WITH NO

SCARS!!! The only scars I got were caused by liquid nitrogen and the acid

from Dr. Sholls. .."


Editor: Apple Cider Vinegar is also high in potassium you can get postassium in

tablet form..

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