
teach me to heal myself


Aphrodisiac try Mandrake root

Reference #: 167
Submit Date: 13 Jun 2002
Browse Category: aphrodisiac
Author: none
Email Address: none
Treatment used: none
You can buy this remedy at: health food store
Remedy will cost you: unknown
Country of Remedy: USA
Remedy Source: folklore
More Links about this Remedy: http://www.emandrake.org/Description/description.html
# Comments posted to this remedy: 2
Complaints Reported: 0
# of times remedy read: 13,114

Dosage Info:
Typical Dosage: unknown
Dosage should be related to weight: unknown
Dosages used in clinical trials are significant: unknown
Maximum dosages in relation to side effects and serious side effects: unknown
Other foods/nutrients/medications that can affect absorption or utilization: unknown
Foods that provide the nutrient recommended as a remedy (or reference giving same): unknown

Total # reviewers: 0
Average Rating: 0.00
Effectiveness: 0.00
No Side Effects: 0.00
Ease of Use: 0.00
Effective after long term use: 0.00
Cost Effectiveness: 0.00

Browse: aphrodisiac

Remedy Description

Mandrake root is a old remedy, the Greek doctor Theophrastus wrote 2,300 years ago that for either

mandrake root to be effective as an aphrodisiac.The plant is indigenous to

the entire Mediterranean area.

Mandrake root is also known as:

Satan's Apple, mandragora, love apple, Circe's plant, Dudaim.

Mandrake's root is known as a aphrodisiac and also had a bad reputation for

increasing fertility. Later it was used as a narcotic and as an anaesthetic

for crucified criminals. As Satan's Apples it was thought to cause madness.

The mandrake root is almost human-like in shape.

Collecting the root was dangerous, because it might let out a scream which would kill anybody

listening. Hence a black dog was used. The dog was tied to the plant and, when attracted, e.g. by

meat, he pulled the root out of the earth. If the root screamed it did not really matter since only

the dog would be killed.

Mandrake was a prominent ingredient in witches 'flying ointments' and poisons in the dark ages it

has also been used as an aphrodisiac by the Egyptians being equated with the sun god Ra. Mandrake

was also used as an ingredient in Greek wines and possibly also the 'strong' wines mentioned in the

Bible. Dioscorides and Pliny describe Mandrake wine as being so strong is was used as a surgical

anesthetic. In ancient Mesopotamia mandrake was considered one of the powerful plants of the gods.

A spirit was believed to live inside the root who would kill the hapless when they pulled a root

out of the earth. For this reason dogs were sometimes trained to pull the rhizotomes up as shown in


mandrake root is mentioned in the bible to increase fertility:

"We read in the Book of Genesis (XXX, 14 - 17) how Reuben found some mandrakes in a wheat-field

and brought them to his mother, Leah, and how Rachel, being childless, besought Leah to give them to

her. Also the love apples Lea served her husband (Genesis 30:14) were most likely the fruits of



Whats in it...

Mandrake could be used either fresh for the preparation of potions and philtres or dried as a

charm. For potions also the fruit could be used. The love apples Lea served her husband (Genesis

30:14) were most likely the fruits of mandrake; in Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old

Testament) they are called Mela Mandragorou. As many members of the Solanaceae family mandrake

contains several tropine alkaloids, including atropine and scopolamine, with powerful physiological

effects. Scopolamine would probably not induce any amorous thoughts, but has a reputation of

lowering inhibition thresholds and has allegedly been used as a "truth drug" during interrogations

of prisoners of war. A major effect of even a low dose of atropine is dry mucous membranes, which

certainly is counterproductive in the context of making love.



"...Of special interest locally because it is commonly found in the Judean Desert, mandrake root

has remained a perennial favorite of those seeking to stir up passion. When, in the Song of Songs,

Shulamit invites her beloved to stroll with her in the countryside, she does so in the belief that

the scent of the mandrake flowers would arouse him. In more modern times, F.Scott Fitgerald

admitted to having used mandrake tea in an "attempt, not always successful, to add to my sometimes

flagging passions". Cubans swear by the powers of mandrake and it has been rumored that Che Guevera

was a regular user as is Fidel Castro today. The Greek Orthodox Church has forbidden its members in

Greece and Cyprus to use mandrake because "it will lead them into promiscuous ways". ..."


This remedy can also be used for:


Comment: Suffocation

Submit Date: 26 May 2006
Author: Ivy
Email Address: none
More Links about this Remedy: none



In '04, I prepared a decoction with mandrake. 2 oz steeped in a pint of

water. It was peppery to drink, and my throat felt scratchy for about 5

minutes. Almost immediately, my tongue and throat swelled and my breathing

became raspy. Within 1/2 an hour, I was vomiting blood.

As the mandrake moved into my bloodstream, it got worse. No amount of water

could take away the feeling that I just gave a stinging nettle plant a deep

throat. I couldn't breathe and passed out.

I drank nettle, comfry and calendula tea for 2 days in copious amounts and

steamed my lungs with fresh peppermint, but still felt the effects for about a


"An overdose of mandrake", whatever that is, "is likely to be fatal."-John

Lust, The Herb Book.

Careful with the man-plant, ok?


Editors Note:

Two ounces sounds like a lethal dose. According to historical records its been used for a long time. Perhaps a pinch instead of two ounces would have

worked. All drug testing starts with a small amount.

Comment: don't use this without figuring you dosage

Submit Date: 09 Feb 2010
Author: unknown
Email Address: none
More Links about this Remedy: http://www.emandrake.org/Description/description.html

don't use this without figuring you dosage


mandrake is considered a really painful way to die. Do not overdo it!