
teach me to heal myself



Reference #: 1,351
Submit Date: 05 Nov 2007
Browse Category: thyroid
Author: none
Email Address: wsotr@hotmail.com
Treatment used: none
You can buy this remedy at: free
Remedy will cost you: unknown
Country of Remedy: USA
Remedy Source: Waters Singing on the Rocks
More Links about this Remedy: none
# Comments posted to this remedy: 0
Complaints Reported: 0
# of times remedy read: 77,226

Dosage Info:
Typical Dosage: unknown
Dosage should be related to weight: unknown
Dosages used in clinical trials are significant: unknown
Maximum dosages in relation to side effects and serious side effects: unknown
Other foods/nutrients/medications that can affect absorption or utilization: unknown
Foods that provide the nutrient recommended as a remedy (or reference giving same): unknown

Total # reviewers: 0
Average Rating: 0.00
Effectiveness: 0.00
No Side Effects: 0.00
Ease of Use: 0.00
Effective after long term use: 0.00
Cost Effectiveness: 0.00

Browse: thyroid

Remedy Description

For a consultation and research contact Waters-singing-on-the-rocks at wsotr@hotmail.com

Low thyroid function is characterized by "low body temperature, cold feet, lack of energy, fatigue

and sometimes brittle nails, dry hair and/or lack of mental clarity. At home tests: Shake down

thermometer before retiring, upon awakening take you temp, either the arm (10 min) or in the

mouth. Temperature below 97.8 for three consecutive days and the symptoms above is an excellent

indication of hypothyroidism. (Further on in this article I go into more detail about this home test

which is extremely if not totally accurate.)

Did you know that while soy foods like tofu, tempeh and soymilk stimulate thyroid function, other

foods have a tendency to lower thyroid function and should be avoided by those with under-active

thyroids...these foods to be avoided include, believe it or not, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts,

bok choy, cress, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, turnips and mustard greens, peaches and pears. Foods

to eat with hypothyroid conditions include: molasses, egg yolks, parsley, apricots, dates and

prunes, fish or chicken and RAW milk and cheeses.. Avoid white flour and sugar and processed or

refined foods. Avoid fluoride in toothpaste and drinking water and chlorinated water ... these and

iodine are chemically similar and they both block receptors in the thyroid gland, which results in

reduced iodine-containing hormone production and finally in hypothyroidism... avoid sulfa drugs

and antihistamines also. If a doc wants you to take levothyroxine to treat your thyroid you need to

know that it causes nearly a 15% loss in your bones!

Kelp is a sea veggie that contains enough iodine to help hypo thyroid conditions in that it will

support the thyroid function. Remember that NONE of this is instead of seeing a physician or

homeopath... it is to be discussed with them and experimented with while they are monitoring your

condition (or your child's in this case)...the b vitamins are important (and you may need to

supplement with intestinal bacteria -lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus as well as digestive

enzymes...you almost certainly need to supplement with the essential fatty acids - omega 3 and 6

from fish or flax or evening primrose or borage oil or a combination...used alternatively so as not

to overdo any one kind, these essential fatty acids which are not produced in our bodies but must

come from our diet and which, according to the U.S. Dept of Agriculture, probably 90% of all

Americans are deficient in, help inhibit tissue breakdown and provide the Unsaturated fatty acids

necessary for tissue repair...you need extra zinc, but take this separately from foods and other

supplements...30-50mg daily for an adult... ask your doc re: kids...do NOT take vitamin e or if you

do, keep at 200-300IU daily...

Most nutrition-minded docs of medicine or chiropractic will prescribe Armour glandulars for you

and there are other non-prescription glandulars on the market worth considering...the 3 best

companies I know of that produce these are: Progressive Labs (Nutri-Dyn products), CPB Inc.

(Sivad Products) and Enzymatic Therapy Inc...The numbers are respectively: 800-527-9512, 800-

221-1943 and 800-558-7372. There are 2 reasons many people do not get adequate treatment. 1-

The usual thyroid blood tests often are read as normal even though, clinically a person seems

hypothyroid. There seems to be a large range of normal. Very frequently a trial of 32 or 65 mg of

Armour thyroid for a month will give real improvement. 2- The usual hypothyroid treatment is

synthroid or levoxyl; both are T4 which the body is supposed to change into the active form T3.

However, sometimes the conversion doesn't take place. Thus the thyroid cannot function normally

even though synthroid or levoxyl are being given. The reason the Armour thyroid works is because

it is a mix of T3 and T4.

One product called Thytrophin and made by Standard Process Labs can often be used instead of

thyroid hormones - 3 tablets is about equal to one grain of Armour but should be used in

conjunction with a water-soluble iodine product. The thyroid self-test I discussed can be used to

help determine how much of these glandulars to use... according to Dr James Balch's Prescription

for Nutritional Healing, if your regular morning basal temp (underarm) is 96 you would take 3-4

grains of Armour thyroid extract, if 97 you would take 1-2 grains... he also recommends L-tyrosine

(amino acid) at 500mg twice daily on an empty stomach because low blood levels have been

associated with a hypothyroid condition.

From Dr. David Williams'' Alternatives. vol 8 #5 - Nov., 1999

"Hypothyroidism has been linked to dozens of serious health problems, from heart disease and poor

circulation to depression and low libido. Yet the medical establishment continues to overlook the

problem, opting to mask its many complex symptoms with dangerous drugs."

Common effects of an under-producing thyroid gland include heart disease, increased susceptibility

to infection, depression and mental confusion, sexual dysfunction.

Common causes of hypothyroidism - iodine deficiency, selenium deficiency, estrogen-like

compound pollution.

Heart disease is the #1 killer in the u.s. diets high in fried foods and sugar, smoking, lack of

exercise and obesity are all established risk factors for heart disease. High blood levels of

homocysteine has been identified over the past decade as another risk factor "that seems to be even

more telling than diet and lifestyle".

Homocysteine is created when the amino acid methionine, found in red meat, milk and dairy

products, is broken down in the body. It is in turn broken down with the help of vitamins B6, B12

and folic acid. In the 1992 Physicians' Health Study men with very high homocysteine levels had a

heart attack risk 3X that of men with normal levels. elevated levels indicated increased risk even

in men who had no other cardiovascular risk factors.

Lowering homocysteine levels thru an increase in the intake of the above B vitamins may be

masking a more serious underlying problem, the one that is causing the elevated levels of

homocysteine in the first place - an under-active thyroid. Research at the Cleveland Clinic

Foundation in Ohio (Ann Intern Med 99;131(5):348-51) proved that "correcting an under-active

thyroid gland normalizes elevated homocysteine levels in the blood.without having to administer

any of the B vitamins."

Correcting a thyroid problem in turn corrected the vitamin deficiency.

In 1976 Dr Broda Barnes wrote "Solved: The Riddle of Heart Attacks" in which he reported

research and clinical experience showing that heart disease was caused by hypothyroidism. Studies

in the early 1900s and since have shown strong relationship between thyroid activity and fat

metabolism - blood-fat levels such as cholesterol and triglycerides increase with an under-active

thyroid and decrease with an overactive thyroid.

Circulation problems cause some of the "less dramatic complaints of hypothyroid sufferers,

including dry flaky, or cracked skin and chronically cold hands and feet. the skin may receive as

little as 20 to 40% of its normal blood supply.interfering with the delivery of various essential

fatty acids and nutrients. Once the thyroid is back to normal, skin softness, suppleness and health

return to normal as well.

Immune system: Hormones produced by the thyroid help regulate the metabolic rate within each

cell and directly influence over 100 different cellular enzymes. When the thyroid is under-active,

one becomes more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. especially those of the urinary and

respiratory tracts. Sinus problems, asthma, middle ear infections, sore throats, tonsillitis,

pneumonia and many respiratory problems are all good examples and these have increased

exponentially among the general public at about the same rate as has thyroid function, according to

Dr. Williams.

Kidney dysfunction and failure is often linked to chronic infections of the urinary tract that were

originally due to an under-active thyroid, he writes. And "all the immune-boosting supplements in

the world won't help if the thyroid isn't functioning properly."

Depression and mental confusion: "the drugs currently being used to treat its symptoms [hypo-

thyroidism] are making matters infinitely worse." Depression and outbursts of violence (self-

directed or directed outwards) are two of the most common side effects of hypothyroidism, often

treated with drugs such as Luvox, Paxil, Prozac, Serzone and Zoloft. all designed to alter brain

chemistry. "Prozac: Panacea or Pandora?" by Dr Ann Tracy (Cassia Publications - 800-280-

0730) discusses the connection between use of such psychotropic drugs and the wave of "seemingly

unexplainable violence we've been seeing over the last few years". She has linked dozens of cases

of shooting incidents such as school shootings in Littleton Colorado and Atlanta Georgia, with the

use of prescription antidepressants. "The increase in the misguided use of antidepressant drugs,"

writes Dr. Williams, "to combat the symptoms of hypothyroidism has paralleled an alarming

increase in violent behavior.no one contributes more campaign money or has more political

influence than the pharmaceutical industry, and you can bet that the drug companies don't want this

information going public."

Energy levels, sexual dysfunction etc: Dr Williams believes that the logical starting point for

treating conditions now approached via these mind-altering drugs would be to check for and treat

hypothyroidism. Low energy and fatigue are also often corrected in the same manner. And

"normal sexual function requires normal thyroid function. In males, too little thyroid function

depresses libido, while too much causes impotence. In females, too little. depresses libido and

results in irregular periods with excessive and frequent menstrual bleeding.Too much can reduce

menstrual bleeding and even stop the menstrual cycle."

Some symptoms often associated with hypothyroidism -

Memory loss

Pot belly type weight gain

Morning headaches and vertigo



Hair loss

High serum cholesterol or triglycerides

High blood pressure


Bowel changes

Muscular sluggishness & weakness

Baggy eyes

Puffy, swollen face or body (fluid retention)

Pain where the ribs meet the sternum and

Decreased heart rate and cardiac output.

Dr Williams traces many of the above to Mucopolysaccharides - a normal body structureal

component that accumulates abnormally on the cellular level in cases of low thyroid function.

Mucopolysaccharide accumulation manifests as swollen tissues and fluid pressures within the body

often resulting in, for example, migraine headaches temporary relief for which can often be found

by loosening or removing all clothing and bed rest. Ultimately attention to the thyroid will correct

and prevent these problems.

The American farm soil is deficient in many minerals in the 20th Century. including iodine and

selenium. (Jrnl Clinical Endocrin and Metab 98;88:3401-3408 and Biol Trace Elem Res 96;

51(1):31-41 and Clin Sci 95;89(6):637-42, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Various articles in

Organic Gardening Magazine over the years, etc) Both these minerals are critical to thyroid

function. iodine is an essential component of thyroid-produced hormones and selenium to the

processes involved in keeping the hormone production balanced properly. For example, the

conversion of thyroid hormone T3 to T4 requires Iodothyronine 5' deiodinase, a selenium-

containing enzyme.

Generally overlooked as a factor in thyroid health is the introduction of estrogen-like compounds

(PCBs, dioxins, lindane, dieldrin, etc) into our environment in the past 4 or 5 decades. Our air, our

food and drinking water supplies have been compromised, possibly irreversibly. These compounds

enter our bodies through respiration, ingestion of foods contaminated by various pesticides and

herbicides and via skin contact. Inside the human body they increase the risk of estrogen-

dependent cancers and block many enzymatic responses including the production of thyroid


The basal metabolic rate is an almost foolproof means to test your thyroid function. You measure

this by taking your body temperature under your armpit first thing in the morning when your body

temperature is normally at its lowest. Before you go to bed shake an oral thermometer down to

below 96 degrees and place it near the head of your bed. When you awaken immediately place the

thermometer in your armpit and leave it there for 10 minutes before you get out of bed. Try to

remain still until you read and record the temperature. Do this for 2 or 3 days in a row to compare

readings. If you happen to be a menstruating woman, you must do this on the 2nd or 3rd day after

your menstrual flow begins. 97.2-98.2 is a normal reading. Higher temperatures usually result

from hyperactive thyroids and lower temperatures from under-active thyroids. The types of blood-

tests performed in most doctor's offices measure the presence of specific thyroid hormones in the

blood and are NOT accurate measurements of what is often referred to as sub-clinical function


Under-active Thyroid treatment options: One method is to use prescription-only thyroid

hormone supplements - synthetics such as Synthroid or natural hormones such as Armour,

extracted from pigs. Another approach is to provide all the raw materials needed to increase

hormone production - such as iodine and non-hormone glandular supplements. If the thyroid gland

is working at all, this latter method is preferred because the sophisticated system of checks and

balances that regulate hormone production levels throughout our bodies could be easily disrupted.

In my opinion, artificially introducing hormones - synthetic or natural - is to risk upsetting this

delicate balance. An additional risk is that often, when one supplies a hormone orally that a given

gland normally makes on its own, the gland will quit making that hormone altogether due to

cellular memory systems. If that were to happen of course, lifelong supplementation with the oral

hormone would be necessary.

To treat hypo-function of the thyroid naturally, you must take a good multi-vitamin/mineral

formula, Selenium at 200mcg daily and daily consumption of kelp or other seaweeds, various

liquid iodine products that are specifically sold for oral use (one such is called Iosol, made by

TPCS Distributors, 800-888-1415 ext 9265 for mail order if your local healthfood store does not

carry such a product. dosage for Iosol is, according to Dr. Williams, 4 drops in water daily for 2

weeks, then reduce to 2 drops per day.). Dr Williams writes that if Iosol used alone does not

alleviate the symptoms, "take 3 tablets of a glandular product called Thytrophin along with just one

drop of Iosol per day". He also says that taking 3 tablets of Thytrophin per day is roughly

equivalent to one grain of prescribed hormones, but I would suggest careful monitoring by your

health professional if you are considering cessation of a prescribed medication.

Brazil nuts are a good source of naturally occurring Selenium, one would have to eat several nuts a

day for the therapeutic benefits to accrue. Interestingly, one unshelled Brazil nut (the kind you

must crack yourself) averages 100 mcg of selenium, according to Cornell Professor Donald J. Lisk.

On the other hand, an already shelled Brazil nut averages 12 to 25 mcg. So, while you can reach

your daily requirement with two freshly hulled Brazil nuts, it would take between 8 and 16 already-

shelled nuts to reach that level

Pumpkin seeds are also good for stimulating the thyroid. They contain a lot of Tyrosine and you

will know they are working for your thyroid if you feel noticeably warmer when eating them on a

regular basis.

Many folks have low blood pressure along with hypothyroid disease although its opposite is also

noticed by some thyroid patients... If you have high blood pressure as well as thyroid problems I

recommend you check your adrenal function as well... often your body tries to help your adrenals

to function by elevating your BP..

I suggest you also try to reduce your exposure to synthetic estrogen-like compounds (it is not

necessary to curtail soy foods in my opinion) by using organic cleansers and other household

products, natural pesticides that do not mimic estrogen in the human body and drink/cook only with

carefully purified water.

With such a protocol you can expect to see a notable change in your energy levels and mood within

a week or so. Other symptoms might take longer to begin to subside. Correcting an under-active

thyroid will not reverse any cardiovascular damage that has already taken place, but it will often

halt the progression of such health problems and help prevent future heart attacks. Judicious use

of cardio-support supplements and dietary changes can then help you to reverse such damage. for

instance the daily intake of 400-800 IU of mixed tocopherol Vitamin E that includes the Gamma

and Beta factors as well as the D-Alpha tocopherols, 2400 mg of lecithin, 60-100 mg of Co-

enzyme Q10 (CoQ10), Flaxseed, Hempseed or Perillo oil for the essential fatty acids (please do not

think that evening primrose oil or borage oil will give you the correct balance of the e.f.a's because

they are predominantly Omega 6 acids which most Americans get enough of. it is the Omega 3's

that you need to supplement). Consider using herbs such as Hawthorne berry (heart tonic), Ginkgo

Biloba and/or Bilberry for circulation, etc. For more information about cardiovascular health, see

reports specific to that subject.

This information is not given for you to self-treat while ignoring the advice of your local health-

care professional but rather to be used to educate yourself and your doctor and to offer alternatives

and additions you and he/she may not have thought about and to use to try to find a different

physician if the one you are now seeing refuses to open to all the research that has been done in the

last 10 years.

Remember that it is very seldom that only one part of the glandular system is out of whack...

usually when the thyroid is out of kilter so are the adrenals, often also the thymus and the

parathyroids... try to find a doctor who specializes in protomorphogens and glandular therapy.

The Thyroid Gland is a tricky thing. It is paired with the Parathyroid. The Parathyroid controls

calcium uptake. These glands MUST be totally balanced. If one is under-active, the other will be

OVER-active. An over-active parathyroid will cause Calcium deposits in the arteries (hardening of

the arteries, heart, etc.) An over-active Thyroid, causes oily skin, menorraghia, dementia, muscle

calcium depletion, heart disorders because of lack of calcium, etc. and can cause heart attacks.

If a person had an under active Thyroid (an overactive parathyroid) and is given a Thyroid

medication, such as Armour Thyroid, then he/she MUST take something on a daily basis with the

thyroid meds in order to balance both. One such product is Homeopathic Parathyroid in a 7C

potency - recommended by N.D. Alva Irish who also recommends Homeopathic Calc. Carbonica

for these conditions.

This remedy can also be used for:
